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10 de Abril de 2022 as 10:25:02

EDITORIAL - The Cover-Up of The Ukrainian State's Neo-Nazism Serves The White House's Strategy

The cover-up of the Ukrainian State's Neo-Nazism serves the White House's strategy,  agreed with the Capitol, of isolating Russia and destroying its economy and guarantee of the Hegemon.
by Wilson R Correa
April 10, 2022
For a long time, the Western media strove to protect Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky from constant accusations that his government was closely associated with neo-Nazi forces, with the argument that it would be unfounded because he is Jewish.
But from this week it has become even more difficult to maintain that there is no relationship between the Ukrainian government and fascist groups and accomplices in crimes against humanity, such as the Azov Battalion and the Aidar Battalion, components of the Ukrainian military power structure.
For, in an interview with Fox News, on April 1, 2022, Zelensky was asked about the Azov battalion and its presence in the armed forces of his country. Directly, TV presenter Bret Baier asked him about the Azov Regiment and the accusations of being a neo-Nazi organization. Zelensky spoke clearly for the first time on the subject, evidencing, at the very least, the Ukrainian State's complacency, acceptance and complicity, organizational relations and commitment to the nefarious ultra-right group responsible for countless atrocities, war crimes and disrespect for human rights, according to a report produced by the UN.
"They are what they are. They were defending our country. They are components of the Ukrainian armed forces... Later on, I want to explain to you, everything, every component of these volunteer battalions that have been incorporated into the Ukrainian military. They are a component of the Ukrainian Army... In 2014, there were situations where our volunteers were surrounded, and some of them [the Nazis] violated laws, laws of Ukraine, and they were actually taken to court and given prison sentences."
FoxNews sought to conceal Zelensky's “sincericide” by cutting this part of its response from the video posted on FoxNews' official YouTube account; and also on Bret Baier's YouTube channel, from which the video was removed based on the broadcaster's exclusive rights. But the Tom Elliot's Tweet account still features (Click here), this Saturday, aprll 09, 2022, the segment of the interview in which Zelensky made the revealing comment about the Azov Battalion.
The Azov Battalion was formed in May 2014 by neo-Nazi groups in Berdyansk after Home Affairs Minister Arsen Avakov authorized the creation of paramilitary units to fight Russian-speaking separatists in Ukraine, the self-proclaimed People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, recognized only later by Moscow, in February 2022.
The Azov Battalion gained fame on that occasion, amid protests and attempts by the Ukrainian government to reduce the status of the Russian language as the national language of Ukraine.
Over time, Azov also became a refuge for neo-Nazis affiliated with the Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) and other far-right political formations that contributed to the success of the US-backed February 2014 coup d'état.
The crimes of Ukrainian neo-Nazi volunteer battalions are amply documented, including a report on the Azov Battalion by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and another on the Aidar Battalion by Amnesty International. [Check at the end of the article]
Although Russia has repeatedly denounced the Nazi character of the militants and the sanitizing profile of the Russian military operation in Ukraine and the unreasonable European and American support for the Nazis, the US government of Joe Biden and the Western media, predominantly philo-american, in their strategy of demonizing and isolating Russia, covered up, minimized, denied, ignored and sought to mischaracterize the accusations and reports made about the UN and multilateral entities.
The protection offered by the Western media to the Joe Biden government's support for the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi State and the Pentagon, through military training offered to the Azov Battalion, since the 2014 coup d'état, was presented to the public by the mainstream press as unimportant, as a lower, irrelevant, manageable, but necessary, given the US strategy of confrontation, demonization, isolation and neutralization of Russia.
There was an ethical move by the US Senate, in 2015, by not approving the allocation of funds from the Pentagon Budget, destined for the training of the Azov Battalion by the US armed forces. However, the non-approval was suspended by the Senate itself, two weeks later, and, in dialogue with the Pentagon, the case was covered up from the public, the funds were recomposed and the training of the Azov Battalion took place, despite a neo-Nazi organization that committed atrocities and war crimes in the clashes with the Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, evidenced by the reports mentioned above.
Even though the neo-Nazi profile of the Azov Battalion, entrenched in the Ukrainian armed forces, was officially recognized, the evidence of the US government's involvement with the Ukrainian neo-Nazi movement -- and the atrocities it committed -- was not even mentioned or treated with seriousness by the great media, clouded by the demonization of Russia in the wake of the new cold war.
Electoral developments from all this may not be felt in the elections at the end of this year in the US, since it is a US state strategy, shared by the Democratic and Republican parties, deliberately on Capitol Hill. And the American and European press, convinced of Russia's demonization strategy, have no interest in and will not pass on the news.
And the reason is evident: the cover-up of Neo-Nazism by the Ukrainian State serves the White House strategy, agreed with the Capitol, of isolating Russia and destroying its economy, for all US geopolitical  and economic interests involved.
Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin's approval rating by the Russian population exceeds 80%. The ruble returned to pre-conflict levels with Ukraine: 87.94 Rubles/1 Euro, this Sunday, april 10.2022, against 87.60, on February 20, few days before the conflict, after having reached 154.85 Rubles/1 Euro, on March 07, the highest exchange rate of the period. And also the Central Bank of Russia reduced the basic interest rate from 20% to 17% per year, last Friday, April 08.2022.
Furthermore, several European countries are opening current accounts with russian banks on russian territory, in order to make payments in rubles or in gold for the purchase of russian oil and gas, supplied by GasProm. These operations are now carried out in banks that cannot be reached by the illegal expropriation of capital promoted by the US and European countries, in retaliation for the russian invasion of Ukraine.
This reveals, on the one hand, the fantastic and historic resilience of the russian people, who in the past drove the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler out of the country. And, on the other hand, it reveals how innocuous have been the sanctions imposed by Washington on Moscow, which shake the economy of European countries and the USA.
In addition to providing immoral support (1) to the rise of Nazi leaders to power in Ukraine - as the US did in Syria funding and delivering weapons to the Islamic State - and (2) to carrying out research in Ukrainian laboratories on the Russia borderlaboratories implemented, financed and monitored by the Pentagon, destined for the development of biological weapons for mass destruction, the US and European governments and their representatives in NATO, are led by lawyers who never knew how to do math, who understand nothing about economics and are leading to the destruction of their national economies and the very international monetary system that feeds the Empire.
Stunned by the irrational search for the unattainable permanence of US hegemony, numbed by the stupidity of the leitmotif 'America First', by the still fantastic military power (although technologically surpassed by that of Russia) and by the subservience of its staff, compromise the survival of life in the planet, due to the high risk of a nuclear war, they only listen to generals and war materials industries executives, which they serve without commitment to the humanist ideology of the search for peace and constructive coexistence between peoples, despite the false good-fellow rhetoric.
Check the attached UN Report. Click bellow

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