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05 de Março de 2022 as 18:03:45

UKRAINIAN FORCES do not allow the use of the Humanitarian Corridor by the population

Ukrainian population prevented from using the Humanitarian Corridor In IRPIN, today
Ukrainian forces do not allow evacuation of the population through the Humanitarian Corridor opened by Russian forces
The armed forces of Ukraine, on the morning of this Saturday, March 05, 2022, do not allow people to be evacuated from the settlement in the city of Irpin at the sight of their weapons.
The city is bathed by the river of the same name, in northern Ukraine, close to the capital, Kiev. And the photo above was taken near the bridge that was blown up by the Ukrainian forces themselves.
The humanitarian corridor has been opened to the population of the entire Kiev region, lest they be injured in Russian attacks on Ukrainian military installations - which are all being destroyed by Russian forces across the country.
The photo above shows many dozens of Ukrainian people, in the city of Irpen, in the region of the capital Kiev, prevented by soldiers of their own country, at gunpoint, from moving to the humanitarian corridor opened since Thursday, 03.03, to go to other countries, or to other regions, without greater risk of death or injury.
The image reveals a strong indication, many times already alluded to, that the Ukrainian armed forces are using their own people as a human shield, either to stop the assertiveness of Russian attacks, or to, in the information war, make possible accusations against russian and Putin inhumanism, for garner European support in sending weapons, ammunition, soldiers and financial resources. 

Fonte: JF Newsroom with information from Intel Slava Z

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